Woodlands Road, Ilford, IG1, Essex.

0208-478-3309 / 07896 309 502 / 07888 708 644

Student success is our priority.

What makes us different

Studying is the soundest investment any of us can make for our future, but more significantly, it is about enjoying the study itself.
Every student has unique skills, goals, potentials and learns in different ways. Quantum Education Services recognizes the value
of different skills, abilities, life experience and goals of each student and commits to provide the best resources and advice to
ensure the student enjoys his learning experience.

Our Services

  • Intensive revision
  • Regular Tests
  • Free revision sessions before exams
  • Regular meetings with guardians.

We Teach

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • GCSE
  • A Level
  • 11+

We Excel In

  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • English
  • Geography
  • Economics &
  • Business

3 Branches

  • Woodlands Road, Ilford
  • Avanti Court Primary School, Barkingside, IG6 and
  • Westrow Drive, Barking.

A few testimonials of our parents and students.

Shams Patel
Parent In Ilford
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Great GCSE coaching for my daughter by Quantum.
H Singh
A Sevenkings parent.
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All teachers are so approachable and friendly - both to parents and students.
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